Email Backgrounds
Free email backgrounds, stationery, themes

Birthday Email Backgrounds, Stationery, Themes.

We often miss out on birthdays of our friends and relatives but with social networks offering notifications and reminders that you can set in your emails, it is less likely that you would forget someone's upcoming birthday. How about using some birthday email backgrounds to greet the person on his special annual day? Sure, we can always text, catch up in the evening or send a gift but a simple gesture such as using birthday email stationery or some lively, funny and sweet birthday email backgrounds can really make someone truly happy. We have some very nice birthday email backgrounds with cute messages for you to use, check them out.

Related category: Flowers | Birthday Messages

How It Works?

Step 1: Browse thousand of free email backgrounds by selecting categories. - Step 2: Pick background you like, then click Copy To Clipboard button. - Step 3: Insert cursor to email textbox editor, then press Ctrl-V (or Command-V if you're using Mac) - Make sure you enable WYSIWYG/Rich text format editor.

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